WhatsApp – One of the most popular messaging applications for Andorid and iPhone users. Today almost everyone is using whatsapp either for...
Category - Android Application
Amazon Sidewalk is an amazing feature that take advantage over fraction part of your home network or Bluetooth. But users are concern with this...
Now-a-days almost everyone is photogenic. Who don’t like to take their selfies and share on social media to express how they are feeling? But most of...
Wunderlist, your daily day planner will become no longer functional. Wunderlist has been bought by Microsoft To Do and Microsoft team has enhanced the Microsoft To Do...
If you are an online PC gamer, you just need to get yourself familiarized with Discord. Discord is specifically designed to help gamer communicating through private...
Cache! This term looks too technical for naive users, isn’t it? Don’t worry, I will keep it simple to explain to you, what is cache and it’s important. And should you...